About OurDNA

Making genetic discoveries that benefit everyone

Our Mission

Our mission is to partner with multicultural communities to advance genetic research and medicine in Australia.

What drives us

The goal of OurDNA is to fix a gap in genetic research. Many Australian ancestry groups are not included right now — and now we’re working to change that. 

Who we are

  • Who is behind OurDNA?

    OurDNA is a program of the Centre for Population Genomics, an initiative of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne.

  • Who is leading the research?

    OurDNA is led by Professor Daniel MacArthur, director of the Centre for Population Genomics.

    The program involves over 40 leading researchers from over 24 organisations across Australia and CPG staff members, including scientists, engineers, program managers and community organisers.

  • Who is funding OurDNA?

    OurDNA is funded by the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

    The program is funded by a five-year government grant to advance medical research and healthcare accessibility for all Australians.

Our approach to OurDNA

OurDNA is partnering with multicultural communities to build an equitable future for genomic medicine in Australia.

Understand more about genetic (genomic) research 

The Centre for Population Genomics has developed educational resources for multicultural communities to better understand genetic, or genomic, research.

We have worked with community members and expert translators to create these resources. The resources are available in 11 languages: English, Arabic, Dari, Farsi (Persian), Fijian, Hazaragi, Samoan, Tagalog (Filipino), Tongan, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Research for all

OurDNA is a research project that studies information from blood samples donated by people. 

OurDNA is collecting genetic information to help find illnesses faster, develop new treatments, and make health care better for all Australians.